Lightlark - alex aster
I didn't love this book but pretty much went into it with no expectations. I had no idea what it was about besides what I read from the synopsis. Now, this could hae partly been because I listened to most of it, but I did read the latter half of the book and I was still so confused. I found myself getting very lost and there were ENDLESS plot holes. Like I said, the story itself was somewhat enjoyable, but I might need to physically re-read it to see if I enjoy it better that way. I will probably read the sequel to find out what happens, but I don't really care THAT much so we'll see.
Update: I read the sequel and the review is posted for it as well. Little to no surprise here, it wasn’t much better. In fact, it might have been worse. This book has a lot of hype. Why? I have no idea. I don’t even want to get into the characters because I found there was barely anything to them.
Would not recommend.