Nightbane - alex aster


Okay guys. This one is going to be harsh. Let us remember that everyone here is titled to their own opinions…okay? Okay. Here we go…

This book = knockoff version of ACOTAR.
Aurora = Amarantha
Grim = Rhysand
Oro = Tamlin
The Courts = The Isles
The Butcher = The Weaver/The Carver
Isla's Dresses = Feyre's dresses (similar descriptions - ex; her starfall dress)

I'm sure there are more connections here but this alone? Should be enough for a copyright lawsuit.

If you are not someone who typically reads YA and gets drawn into reading this series because of TikTok or influencers, you will most likely not like it.

It is also sad to see another series, one that I actually love, get torn apart and "dumbed down" for lack of better words, to this.

There are major plot holes, world building and magic-telling is descriptive and non-descriptive all at the same time somehow, and a good bit of other issues, like how spicy scenes border on this book's categorization of YA Romantacy. It was basically edging with lame excuses before anything happened. Why even include it in a YA if you can't make it progress? I don’t read for spice, but this is just something I noticed and that annoyed me. I just couldn't follow the story half the time because the plot was lacking, or characters were not unique and descriptive enough to remember their significance.

If you don't like YA, don't read this. My brain just can't let me stop without knowing what happens. However, I will not be spending money or time on the third book in this series. I tried to give it a chance, and it failed.