Onyx storm - rebecca yaros
Personally, this might have been my favorite book in the series. Now, if you don't take your time reading it and sitting with it all, it will be hard to understand. I think a lot of hate comes from how confusing it is, but if you just slowwww down and enjoy figuring out the characters and the world, it is actually enjoyable. At least for me it was.
The first book of this series follows closely behind this one, but this one was just so fun. I think I need some time to sit with this book, maybe even re read before doing a full on review, but wow. I love this book, this world, and these characters all the more after reading Onyx Storm. Yes, there was a lot of dialogue and politics, but honestly I didn't mind it as I normally would in other books. It gave me everything I wanted and more. Banter, humor, stakes, romance, new parts of the world we haven't seen yet, sassy dragons. And Xaden? I happened to love him in this book. Violet is still a badass. And her friends are loyal, loving, and brutal.
Rebecca, good job. I can't wait to see what comes next.
If something happens to Ridoc I will lose it.