The Seven Year slip - ashley poston
I’ve had about a week since reading this wonderful piece of literature to sit and reflect on how I feel about it. The description on the front, “romantic and irresistible” is true. This book deals in the realm of magical realism. I feel like a lot of my enjoyment from this novel came from the world building (really just the depictions of the apartment) and characters. Though not living, I believe my favorite character from this novel would have to be the Aunt. Her spunky, go where the wind blows, energetic, attention grabbing energy stood out to me SO much I almost believed she was a real person. I think, in a different life, I’d want to be like her. The prose in this novel, falling in love in the past and counting on that person to find you again in the future, made my heart explode. This book gave me chills (you know the scene, right? in the meeting? yeah), made me cry, had my jaw glued to the floor. In short this book and these characters live rent free in my mind and it truly lives up to it’s hype. I want everyone I know to read it. I have no notes. Thank you, goodbye.