The Assassin’s Blade - Sarah J. Maas
spoilers maybe? proceed with caution.
I listened to this on spotify but think I probably would've enjoyed it better if I read the physical book. To start this series originally, I listened to Throne of Glass, but was SO confused and was not into it at all. I think after this book, I will enjoy TOG a lottt more. I'm excited to read it again but this time will actually get the physical copy.
As far as this one goes, I loved the insight we got into Celaena's character. A deadly assassin but someone who still craves love, friendship, and stability. Hard things to come by it seems in her line of work. I really felt for her through the betrayal and losses she suffered. I am excited to see where her story goes in the rest of the series and overall am happy that I read this before going forward. Other than that, I don’t have a whole lot to say on this one, but still giving a 4 stars.